3 Amazing Benefits of Water Softeners

How Water Softeners Work to Benefit the Household

Many people aren't aware of how water softeners work or the benefits they provide. After all, for some homeowners, the most they know about hard water is that it's technically safe to drink, cook with, and bathe in. While this is true, many effects of hard water are overlooked by this overarching statement. Just because hard water is safe to drink doesn't mean it doesn't come with other negative effects. In fact, in areas with particularly hard water, the cost of installing and maintaining a water-softening system is offset in just a few years. 

Many homeowners also like water softeners for another reason: They provide a better quality of life, which is hard to price. Read on to learn more about the benefits of water softeners. 

Better Cleaning

hard water Hard water is simply water with many minerals, such as magnesium and calcium. One of the effects of these high concentrations is the water's inability to wash away soap scum fully. This leaves unsightly spots on dishes and a soapy film on almost anything the water touches. This is why homes with hard water often have near-permanent whitish rings around faucets, drains, and basins. No matter how much scrubbing the homeowners do, these rings are hard to remove or return quickly.

Likewise, washing clothes in hard water can cause them to fade, making them look worn even when they're brand new. Sometimes, dark clothes come out of the washer looking nearly as dirty as when they went in. But with a whole-house water softener installed, these issues fade away like the unsightly spots left over from hard water!

Longer Lasting Pipes and Appliances

Hard water isn't just tough on clothes, dishes, and water basins. It can also be tough on pipes and appliances. The appliance that takes the brunt of the abuse is the water heater. When hard water is heated, the calcium in the water turns into limescale buildup inside the water heater. This can affect the water heater's efficiency, making it work harder to heat the water for the home. Limescale buildup can also decrease the life of the water heater. 

But the damage doesn't stop there. Limescale can also build up in the pipes, which can cause clogs, leaks, and a shortened lifespan for the plumbing system. The same also goes for appliances like washing machines and clothes washers. Any appliance that uses hard water will become affected by limescale buildup. It may take years to show the ill effects, but it will happen. So when homeowners install a whole home water softener, they can rest easy knowing that they are taking good care of their appliances and pipes. 

Better Skin and Hair Health

dry hair When hard water interacts with soap, it leaves a film on anything the soapy water touches. This is true for clothes, dishes, hair, and skin. Many homeowners who bathe in hard water notice this first in their hair, and the leftover residue that is difficult to wash out makes the hair look dull no matter what shampoo or conditioner is used. 

Likewise, bathing in hard water can dry out the skin. When a soap-and-mineral residue is left on the skin, it pulls moisture out, leaving it unhealthy. Some people also complain of itchy skin after bathing in hard water. But with a water softener installed, homeowners can enjoy the feeling and look of skin that doesn't have a soapy residue left on it all day. 

About A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling

A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling has been serving San Antonio, TX, since 2007. They offer personalized solutions and comprehensive service, tailoring their solutions to the unique problems experienced by homeowners. Contact them today for water softener installation in San Antonio, TX. 

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How Do Water Softeners Stop Hard Water?

What Are Hard Water Problems?

A common plumbing issue is something called “hard water.” What is hard water? It is what happens when the water from your faucets has an unusual amount of minerals and deposits. Limestone and other minerals can dissolve into the water, and while this may seem harmless, it is actually the source of some problems in your home that you would probably prefer to do without.

A few of the ill effects of hard water include itchy skin, mineral build-up around faucets, sinks, and tubs, as well as spots on the dishes. The heavy mineral build up in the water will make it hard to get clean, and the minerals can even dry out your skin and scalp. If you have a problem with hard water in your home, the solution can be as simple as applying the use of the right water softener.

How Does Reverse Osmosis Work

reverse osmosis

One purification system that is used to turn hard water into soft water is that of reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis tanks can be used to treat the water preemptively so that contaminants are all filtered out before it goes through your plumbing.

Reverse osmosis purifiers remove many sorts of particles and pollutants from water including the minerals that cause “hard water.” Osmosis works by pushing the water through a membrane to filter out contaminants.

Experts highly recommend these types of water purifiers for hard water and also to improve the tap water in your house for drinking. Reverse osmosis tanks can be installed fairly easily as well.

How Does a Magnetic Water Softener Work?

magnetic softenerMagnetic water softeners are a type of water tank that is made specifically for turning hard water into soft water. The benefit of these types of softeners is how the electrical charges from the magnetic field alter the particles of calcium and other minerals in the water. To prevent limescale a magnetic water softener can often do the trick.

Magnetic water softeners are a more controversial choice for some people because instead of removing the minerals from the water, it neutralizes their effects by changing the chemical makeup. While the minerals that cause hard water may remain in the water, the minerals will not stick to the surface and cause buildup.

What About Salt-Free Water Softeners?

salt free

A salt-free water softener is another solution to hard water that does not remove the minerals but instead changes their chemical makeup so that they do not have the same negative effects as they did before.

There are some benefits to choosing a salt-free water purification system over the other solutions. The energy cost and maintenance are usually pretty low for this type of water softener compared to the other leading solutions in the market.

Another benefit of salt-free water softeners is that they do not waste as much water as other types of softeners do, making them better for the environment as well as softer on your utility bills. Regardless of which water filtration system you choose for your home, it can have a major impact on your water quality, comfort, and health.

Local Plumbers - Always on Time!

A & A Plumbing is a plumbing company that prides itself on delivering exceptional plumbing services to the San Antonio, TX community and beyond. They offer amazing deals on water heater repairs, plumbing installations, and water treatment systems.