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Tips for Summertime Fun While Being Water Conscious


The best way to cool down in the summer is paddling around in a pool. If you are lucky enough to have a pool, be on the lookout for water leaks in your liner or foundation.

You could be wasting all kinds of water and not even know it. If you don’t have a pool, there are other ways to stay cool this summer. Be aware that extra water used to cool down or maintain your lawn and garden means that you’ve got to cut back in other areas.

Here is what you need to know.

Your Lawn and Garden

No question your water needs increase in the summer as you tend to your lawn and garden, but if you are aware of how you use the water, you will reduce waste substantially.

For starters, get yourself a rain barrel and let Mother Nature help you with your watering.Make sure not to cut your lawn too short. It will burn and need extra watering.

Leave clippings on your lawn, which will help your lawn retain moisture. Aim your sprinkler directly at the lawn or garden, not at your driveway.

Mulch your garden to reduce the amount of water that you need. Water early or late in the day, so you’re not battling evaporation as much.

Fun Outside Activities

Take advantage of the dog days of summer to get outside and cool down. Have a toddler? What about having a bath in a baby pool with water heated from the sun? That’s fun and very summery.

Bombs away! What’s more fun than a water balloon fight? A water gun fight comes pretty close. Soak colorful sponges and either throw them at each other or set up sponge toss games in the backyard.

Conservation Tips to Stay Cool and Have Fun

Running through the sprinkler to stay cool is an excellent fun way to spend the afternoon. However, this activity can waste a lot of water.

Do double duty by running the sprinkler in an area that already needs watering. Create a DIY sprinkler toy with PVC piping and holes punched through it. It’s a fun way to cool down, and it’s a more efficient use of your water.

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