How To Decide When Repiping Is Needed

When Is the Right Time to Repipe the Home?

One of the constant adventures of homeownership is the surprises regarding repairs. There is a never-ending supply of problems, especially when the home is aging, and the problems can be very difficult to predict. Ironically, the thing that makes unpredictable problems hard to deal with is that building materials last so long. In the case of plumbing, metal pipes last for decades, so homeowners completely forget that they can be a point of weakness in the plumbing system. 

At some point, the aging infrastructure in a home will have to be dealt with, and in the case of plumbing, this service is called repiping. Repiping is a comprehensive service offered by most plumbers that allows them to replace outdated piping and upgrade it to newer materials. But how can homeowners know when the right time is for this big project? Here are the signs that repiping is needed. 

Constant Leaks 

pipe leak Frequent leaks are the first sign that repiping is needed and may be the easiest to notice. As pipes age, they can leak from corrosion or the constant vibration of water hammers around the joints. The resulting leaks can cause extensive damage around the home, including: 

Due to the damage that leaks can cause, they should always be repaired quickly. However, if homeowners notice that leaks are occurring frequently, especially in aging metal or PVC pipes, repiping is likely the best insurance policy against water damage. 

Corrosion on Existing Pipes 

Corrosion has always been a problem in plumbing. When metal is refined into piping materials, it wants to regress to its natural state. This process is called oxidation, and it occurs in all plumbing metals, especially copper, iron, and galvanized water lines. 

Corrosion is a major problem in plumbing because it weakens pipes and makes them susceptible to leaks and bursting. Internal corrosion can also lead to problems with water pressure, and the taste of the water can be unpalatable. If a home has old metal pipes and corrosion is visible or perceptible through the taste of the water, it is only a matter of time before leaks start to form. Repiping is a great way to preempt and prevent the damage. 

Reasons To Schedule a Repipe 

save money Repiping is a big project that is a significant cost for the homeowner. Unfortunately, the consequences of delaying or skipping repiping can be much more costly. Luckily, repiping a home has several other benefits that can help homeowners look forward to the process and soften the financial blow of repiping. The benefits of repiping are:

  • Improved water pressure
  • Lower water bills
  • Greater comfort when using the plumbing 
  • Increased longevity of appliances
  • Better-tasting water 
  • Reduction of grocery bills since bottled water is no longer needed 
  • Lower repair costs 

If any of these signs are noticed, repiping is imminent. Schedule repiping soon to stop struggling with aging piping and get a fresh start. 

About A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling

A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling ease repiping by promising to keep every property clean from start to finish. They offer comprehensive plumbing and HVAC services with the same level of personal attention. Call today for plumbing service in San Antonio, TX. 

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Sump Pumps: Preparing for Spring

Why Sump Pumps Are Important

Sump pumps are necessary to protect the home from flooding. Natural causes like rain and snow are known to cause severe water damage in San Antonio. Using a sump pump, water can be easily moved from the basement to the outdoors. This is especially important during the springtime.  

How Sump Pumps Work

A sump pump is a handy device that most homeowners need to keep mold and mildew from forming in the basement. The sump is essentially a carved hole below the basement floor. This pit is known as the sump pump basin. The pump inside the basin is designed to remove excess water. Several valves are inside the pump, and pressure measurements are used to sense how high the water is flowing.

Before flooding occurs, the pump automatically filters excess water from the basement to a separate location outside. This happens when water or battery power activates the sump pump float switch. Depending on the type of energy used, there are a few different types of sump pumps available. 

Which Sump Pump Is Best?

sump pumpsThe two main types of sump pumps are known as submersible and pedestal. Within these categories are separate brands that have varying life expectancies. Depending on where a homeowner lives, certain types work better than others.

Submersible sump pumps are ideal for rainy climates. They work hard to redirect water quickly in a major storm. Usually, these pumps are located in the basement or crawlspace and sit below ground. While they are considered much quieter than pedestal pumps, they are more difficult to maintain.

Pedestal sump pumps are easier to repair because they sit on the floor instead of inside the ground. Sump pump installation is relatively easy and can be done in under three hours. Although these pumps are less expensive, they do not provide as much power as submersible pumps, so a sump pump battery backup is recommended. 

Testing the Sump Pump Before Spring

sump pumpThe heaviest rainfall occurs during spring. Experts suggest testing the sump pump before March to ensure proper flood resistance. 

A float is a device that sits along the surface of the water. Once water from the sump pit reaches a designated level, the float switch is activated. Lifting the float will allow homeowners to test the pump motor before the beginning of a storm. 

To troubleshoot the sump pump, try rebooting. This involves unplugging the power source, waiting thirty seconds, and replugging it. The power source uses electricity from a ground fault circuit interrupter. This switch should be reset every so often. If the sump pump is running but water is not pumping fast enough, this may be due to a blockage in the discharge pipes. A certified technician can help unclog the pit before a storm.

Regular maintenance is recommended for both pedestal and submersible pumps. Professional inspections allow the home to stay dry during both average and severe storms. Without a working sump pump, homeowners face expensive home repairs and water damage that may cause symptoms such as headaches, allergies, and respiratory issues. 

About A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling

A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling is a family-owned business that was voted Titan of the Year. They always arrive on time, offering personalized solutions with upfront pricing on every service call. To learn more about their annual sump pump maintenance services in San Antonio, TX, call today. 

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3 Amazing Benefits of Water Softeners

How Water Softeners Work to Benefit the Household

Many people aren't aware of how water softeners work or the benefits they provide. After all, for some homeowners, the most they know about hard water is that it's technically safe to drink, cook with, and bathe in. While this is true, many effects of hard water are overlooked by this overarching statement. Just because hard water is safe to drink doesn't mean it doesn't come with other negative effects. In fact, in areas with particularly hard water, the cost of installing and maintaining a water-softening system is offset in just a few years. 

Many homeowners also like water softeners for another reason: They provide a better quality of life, which is hard to price. Read on to learn more about the benefits of water softeners. 

Better Cleaning

hard water Hard water is simply water with many minerals, such as magnesium and calcium. One of the effects of these high concentrations is the water's inability to wash away soap scum fully. This leaves unsightly spots on dishes and a soapy film on almost anything the water touches. This is why homes with hard water often have near-permanent whitish rings around faucets, drains, and basins. No matter how much scrubbing the homeowners do, these rings are hard to remove or return quickly.

Likewise, washing clothes in hard water can cause them to fade, making them look worn even when they're brand new. Sometimes, dark clothes come out of the washer looking nearly as dirty as when they went in. But with a whole-house water softener installed, these issues fade away like the unsightly spots left over from hard water!

Longer Lasting Pipes and Appliances

Hard water isn't just tough on clothes, dishes, and water basins. It can also be tough on pipes and appliances. The appliance that takes the brunt of the abuse is the water heater. When hard water is heated, the calcium in the water turns into limescale buildup inside the water heater. This can affect the water heater's efficiency, making it work harder to heat the water for the home. Limescale buildup can also decrease the life of the water heater. 

But the damage doesn't stop there. Limescale can also build up in the pipes, which can cause clogs, leaks, and a shortened lifespan for the plumbing system. The same also goes for appliances like washing machines and clothes washers. Any appliance that uses hard water will become affected by limescale buildup. It may take years to show the ill effects, but it will happen. So when homeowners install a whole home water softener, they can rest easy knowing that they are taking good care of their appliances and pipes. 

Better Skin and Hair Health

dry hair When hard water interacts with soap, it leaves a film on anything the soapy water touches. This is true for clothes, dishes, hair, and skin. Many homeowners who bathe in hard water notice this first in their hair, and the leftover residue that is difficult to wash out makes the hair look dull no matter what shampoo or conditioner is used. 

Likewise, bathing in hard water can dry out the skin. When a soap-and-mineral residue is left on the skin, it pulls moisture out, leaving it unhealthy. Some people also complain of itchy skin after bathing in hard water. But with a water softener installed, homeowners can enjoy the feeling and look of skin that doesn't have a soapy residue left on it all day. 

About A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling

A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling has been serving San Antonio, TX, since 2007. They offer personalized solutions and comprehensive service, tailoring their solutions to the unique problems experienced by homeowners. Contact them today for water softener installation in San Antonio, TX. 

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Four Reasons to Install a Tankless Water Heater

Who Are Tankless Water Heaters Right For?

Tankless water heaters are a relatively new technology. And like any new technology, it's common for people to be initially unsure about them. Especially since they cost more than their storage tank counterparts, this slightly higher upfront cost shouldn't discourage homeowners from learning about tankless water heaters. For most households, the benefits of tankless water heater installation far outweigh the drawbacks. Read on to learn four reasons to install a tankless water heater. 

Less Energy and More Savings

save money The concept behind tankless water heaters is increased efficiency all around. There's no storage tank, whether the unit heats with gas or electricity. Tankless water heaters heat water quickly as it's needed. This means there's no need for the water heater to heat water even when unnecessary. This is how storage tank water heaters work, after all. They continue heating the water in the tank even if it won't be used for hours — or days. That's a lot of wasted energy. 

Seeing how much saving this means for the average homeowner is amazing. While numbers will vary depending on the household's water usage, the average energy savings for a household using 41 gallons of hot water daily is as much as 34%! That translates to significant savings over the life of the tankless water heater. 

Endless Hot Water and No Tank

tankless water heaterTankless water heaters are often called on-demand water heaters. This is a good indication of how they operate. Unlike a storage-tank water heater, there's no running out of hot water with a tankless heater. However, tankless water heaters can only heat so much water at a time. So it's possible to max out the hot water generated. This can happen when people or appliances use hot water at multiple faucets. This is why those homes with high simultaneous hot water usage often install more than one tankless heater. 

When thinking about storage tank water heaters, finding a place to install a second one would be difficult, even if there was a reason for it. But this isn't the case with tankless heaters. These are much smaller than their old-fashioned counterparts. They can fit easily in smaller spaces, such as storage closets. This makes them ideal for use in space-challenged homes. It also makes multiple installations in bigger homes a simple matter. 

Tankless Heaters Last Longer

In the head-to-head comparison of storage tank water heaters to tankless water heaters, the tankless option comes out on top regarding efficiency, hot water supply, and size. But what about longevity? Well, it's not much of a contest there, either. 

The average storage tank water heater will last between ten and fifteen years. On the other hand, the average tankless water heater has an average life expectancy of twenty years. This is because there's no tank for the water to eat through after so many years. Sure, tankless water heaters still need regular maintenance. But with that maintenance, they will generally last much longer than their counterparts. This is why they're an excellent choice for anyone looking to replace their water heater — or to install a new one altogether.  

About A&A Plumbing 

A&A Plumbing has been proud to serve San Antonio, TX, since 2007. They perform a comprehensive assessment before ever starting to work, ensuring they're providing the personalized attention each customer needs. They also take pride in keeping each customer's property clean. Contact them today for tankless water heater installation in San Antonio, TX. 

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Homeowners Guide to Hydro Jet Drain Cleaning

Frequently Asked Questions About Hydrojetting

What is hydrojetting? Hydrojetting is a drain cleaning method that not all homeowners know about, but they should. Frequent issues with the plumbing system can be a headache for homeowners; hydrojet drain cleaning may be a solution. 

Hydrojetting involves using pressurized water to clean the inside of pipes and improve drainage from the home into the main sewer line. This can remove clogs and even improve the longevity of the plumbing system. A trained professional must safely and successfully use hydrojetting methods to fix clogged sewer lines and pipes. 

How Does Hydrojetting Clear Pipes?

Hydrojetting may be the best way to remove heavy clogs from the plumbing system. It also clears away debris in the pipes that can build up and eventually lead to a clog (or a burst pipe). Homeowners can try to remove clogs themselves using a drain snake, a device inserted into the drain to dislodge and fish out debris, but sometimes a drain snake is not suited for or heavy-duty enough to get the job done. 

One common circumstance that homeowners should be aware of is that tree roots can grow into the home’s plumbing in search of water. A regular drain snake is not enough to remove roots making their way into the system, but with hydrojetting, water shoots through the pipes at high speed to remove even the toughest clogs from tree roots. Hydrojetting can remove food, oil and grease, hair, mineral deposits, and other common debris caught in the plumbing system. 

How Can Homeowners Tell If Their Pipes Need Hydrojetting?

bad smellHomeowners should look for signs of something wrong with their plumbing system because leaving it in a state of disrepair can cause long-term damage. For example, clearing tree root growth before it gets out of hand can save homeowners from replacing their underground plumbing system. Here are some tell-tale signs that the pipes can use hydrojetting. 

Frequent clogs and slow draining are the most obvious signs that the pipes need additional cleaning services. Plungers and drain snakes can only do so much to resolve the problem if debris is built up deep in the pipes. Other signs of drainage issues include foul odors, sewage backup, or strange noises like gurgling. 

How Does Hydrojetting Compare to Other Drain Cleaning Methods?

hydro jettingPlumbers recommend using a drain snake to remove small clogs from the drain, but for persistent drainage issues, it is best to call in the professionals. A professional plumber has various tools at their disposal, including heavy-duty drain snakes, and can quickly and accurately diagnose the source of the problem and find solutions. 

One thing that a trustworthy plumber should never recommend is chemical drain cleaners. Liquid drain cleaner has many known adverse health effects and is often insufficient to clear a tough clog. The chemicals in drain cleaners can cause permanent damage to pipes and fixtures and cause toxic fumes with adverse health effects to linger in the bathroom. 

Hydrojetting is a superior choice for drain cleaning because it does the job quickly and efficiently. Homeowners will no longer have to worry about frequent clogs after a professional blasts high-pressure water through the pipes to remove debris. Before hydrojetting, the plumber may also recommend inserting a camera into the pipes to visibly assess the source of the clog and any potential damage to the pipes that may need additional repair after cleaning.  

About A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling

A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling is an expert in everything that has to do with drains! Homeowners looking for professional help to resolve drainage issues in their homes need to look no further than the team of experienced plumbers from A&A Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling. They provide personalized service for each call and make scheduling an appointment over the phone or online easy. Give them a call today to talk to one of their friendly staff members about scheduling an appointment for hydrojet drain cleaning services

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